Saturday, October 02, 2004

Sivan Malai!!

There is a serial named Sivan-Malai running in Sun TV (saturday 9:00pm). It touches some good topics but still it lacks to deliver the important thing ... What is GOD?

Does GOD lies in statue or in stone?

Certainly not!

Then where the so called GOD ...the supreme power exist?

In what form it exist?
Can we see it in naked eyes ?
Can imgaine it as a there dimension figure?
Is our six senses enough to identify it?

think .....meditate ....u'll realize it one day!!

What is lsass.exe

Is lsass.exe spyware or a virus?

But it killed my time. Yes its a virus.

what is lsass.exe?

"lsass.exe" is the Local Security Authentication Server. It verifies the validity of user logons to your PC/Server. It generates the process responsible for authenticating users for the Winlogon service. This process is performed by using authentication packages such as the default Msgina.dll. If authentication is successful, Lsass generates the user's access token, which is used to launch the initial shell. Other processes that the user initiates inherit this token


A side-effect of the worm is for LSASS.EXE to crash, by default such system will reboot after the crash occurs. The following Window may be displayed:

How it spreads?

The worm spreads with the file name: avserve.exe . Unlike many recent worms, this virus does not spread via email. No user intervention is required to become infected or propagate the virus further. The worm works by instructing vulnerable systems to download and execute the viral code.

The virus copies itself to the Windows directory as avserve.exe and creates a registry run key to load itself at startup
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "avserve.exe" = C:\WINDOWS\avserve.exe
As the worm scans random ip addresses it listens on successive TCP ports starting at 1068. It also acts as an FTP server on TCP port 5554, and creates a remote shell on TCP port 9996.
A file named win.log is created on the root of the C: drive. This file contains the IP address of the localhost.
Copies of the worm are created in the Windows System directory as #_up.exe.

Method of Infection:

This worm spreads by exploiting a recent Microsoft vulnerability, spreading from machine to machine with no user intervention required.
This worm scans random IP addresses for exploitable systems. When one is found, the worm exploits the vulnerable system, by overflowing a buffer in LSASS.EXE. It creates a remote shell on TCP port 9996. Next it creates an FTP script named cmd.ftp on the remote host and executes it. This FTP script instructs the target victim to download and execute the worm (with the filename #_up.exe as aforementioned) from the infected host. The infected host accepts this FTP traffic on TCP port 5554.
The worm spawns multiple threads, some of which scan the local class A subnet, others the class B subnet, and others completely random subnets. The destination port is TCP 445
This worm spreads by exploiting a recent Microsoft vulnerability, spreading from machine to machine with no user intervention required.
This worm scans random IP addresses for exploitable systems. When one is found, the worm exploits the vulnerable system, by overflowing a buffer in LSASS.EXE. It creates a remote shell on TCP port 9996. Next it creates an FTP script named cmd.ftp on the remote host and executes it. This FTP script instructs the target victim to download and execute the worm (with the filename #_up.exe as aforementioned) from the infected host. The infected host accepts this FTP traffic on TCP port 5554.
The worm spawns multiple threads, some of which scan the local class A subnet, others the class B subnet, and others completely random subnets. The destination port is TCP 445

Infected systems should install the Microsoft update to be protected from the exploit used by this worm. See: